Life here at the lodge is kind of like being on an island, I am just one of lucky that get the chance to leave everyday. The great part for me is the flying, nothing quite like it. Float flying is one of the last seat of your pants flying the conditions are always changing. Wind, rain, clouds, rivers, current, glassy, you name it it is there. Getting the chance to fly everyday is the best it gives you the chance to really get your flying dialed in. If you skip in one time you can make up for it the next landing. I made 16 take offs and landings in one day. I love flying in the wind and we get some good wind here, I was up landing in a little lake, this lake is small enough to land in but I don't haul out and it was blowing 25+ it takes all you got. It is important to read the terrain as well on approach, gusts on the water, flaps, power, really gets you'r skill to a new level. If you ever get the chance to fly for an extended period of time in the back country do it, it will make you a better pilot and you will have more stories for around the camp fire. The best part, I do not have to buy the gas.....