The light is slowly getting less and less as the summer slowly comes to the end of last months here. The Sockey are all red now, the pinks are spawning in our home river and the trout are sure to follow. With this going on now the big trout return to eat there last big meal. I have been practicing my Spey casting and I am happy to say that after a least 10,000 cast I have finally able to cast and last night it paid off with my biggest trout yet, a 25" crome beauty, it took me way into my backing and I had to chase it down stream but all my knots held and I was able to land it. Just me the river and the trout. The flying is so much fun, everyday it is a challenge to create the most pleasurable flight for the passengers and make the most challenging landings look easy. Lodge life is good here, we have a great crew, everyone gets along, the clients have been really happy and the boss is the legend in his own time.